I have been too embarrassed by my mouth to visit a dentist in years and the thought scares me – What can I do? |
Whatever the reason for your years of inaction your case is not that uncommon and we are not about to judge you - we are really all about creating the solution.
Our many loyal patients are reassured by Dr Hart’s gentle approach and professionalism trusting that they will always receive the best of dental care and advice. |
How do your fees compare? |
Dr Hart’s patients receive a very high standard of technically excellent dentistry and our fees compare favourably with other dentists.
I have several amalgam fillings. Are they considered safe or should I see my dentist about replacing them? |
Current research indicates that the use of dental amalgam produces no harmful health effects. This is supported by the World Health Organisation and the International Dental Federation. The consensus is that there is no benefit in having dental amalgam fillings replaced unnecessarily.
Dr Hart will aim to replace your worn or cracked amalgam fillings when necessary with tooth-coloured composite or porcelain restorations. |
Brushing my teeth makes my gums bleed. Why? |
Bleeding gums may well be a sign that you have pre-existing gingivitis and require a visit to Dr Hart for a solution.
You may also be brushing too hard, using too hard a brush and perhaps the wrong technique in the belief that this is more effective. Hard brushing that is not well managed can lead to permanent gum recession. Patients attending Chatswood Dental Care for regular preventive maintenance receive a review of their gum condition and a gift of a special Ultrasoft toothbrush. |
I love coffee but it stains my teeth. What can I do?
Usually it is not just coffee but a combination of beverages and foods that stain teeth. There may also be other reasons for your teeth being discoloured e.g. some long-term medicines and antibiotics. You can maintain good tooth colour with regular visits for cleaning at Chatswood Dental Care and effective home care including the use of floss.
We can also prescribe a single-visit, safe and effective light-activated tooth-bleaching process called Zoom. |
Do I need to heed dental advice to replace fillings even if I feel no pain? |
Yes – even if you have no pain or tooth sensitivity a cracked filling creates easy access for germs, and tooth decay can occur without patients being aware. If left the tooth decay can extend towards the dental nerve and lead to irreversible nerve pain that will require more complex root canal procedures than just simple filling replacement. Regular preventive checks and radiographs help to detect deep decay and can save you from more complicated treatment in the future. |
Is the fluoride in my tap water safe? |
Scientific studies show that fluoride in water, at or around one part per million, does not have any effect on the health of the body other than reducing decay in teeth. This view is supported by the World Health Organisation, the Royal College of Physicians and major international health organisations. According to the Public Health Association of Australia:
“Water fluoridation has been demonstrated to be effective in preventing tooth decay ... and should continue to be regarded as a safe and effective public health measure.” |
I am an adult with crooked teeth. Is it too late to get them fixed? |
It certainly is not too late to renovate your smile. This will involve Dr Hart formulating a plan for your particular case and could mean simple orthodontics or a combination of teeth straightening plus other cosmetic detailing such as porcelain veneers or crowns. |
Root canal FAQs |
What is root canal treatment? Why do I need it? |
Deep cavities, cracks, tooth grinding and repeated tooth trauma can cause the nerves in the centre of your tooth to die. Symptoms include pain on chewing and sensitivity to hot and cold; if the root canals are not promptly disinfected and sealed your gums may swell and an abscess will form. If an abscess is left untreated infection can damage bone surrounding the roots and the tooth will have to be removed.
Front teeth usually have one root canal, premolars one or two canals and molars three or four. Root canal procedures often take two to three appointments depending on the number of canals present.
If you are suffering from strong nerve pain our receptionist will fit you into our emergency appointment schedule to relieve your discomfort as soon as possible.
Is root canal treatment painful? |
Dr Hart has many years experience in painlessly treating infected teeth and uses state-of-the-art root canal procedures. He is also a member of the Australian Endodontic Society.
Upon consultation Dr Hart will fully explain the procedures and give you a fee estimate.
Following root canal treatment a crown is often necessary to protect the tooth from fracture or to restore a pleasing cosmetic appearance to front teeth. |
Implant FAQs |
When would I need a dental implant? |
Implants are needed if you have gaps or missing or infected teeth that cannot be treated by conventional dentistry or if your dentures are loose and you are unable to chew properly.
Implants are very strong and look, feel and function like natural teeth. They can replace a missing single tooth, multiple teeth or stabilise your dentures by means of strong clips that connect to keepers on the underside of the dentures. |
What is an implant and will it hurt? |
Dental titanium implants were first developed 30 years ago and have since evolved into a highly predictable treatment with a high success rate – 95%.
They consist of an implant fixture made of titanium with a bioactive surface that surrounding bone will grow onto. The final abutment/crown restoration is usually attached once the implant is firm enough to load.
Dr Hart performs implant placement under local anaesthetic and we find that our patients experience only mild postoperative discomfort. |
How do I know that I’m suitable for an implant? |
There will be a number of factors, the first being your general health, gum condition and the amount of bone that you have remaining that determines how ideal your case may be.
Developing a plan for the size and number of implants required and the best position of these is essential in order to get a healthy and pleasing result.
A digital Cone Beam CT scan is essential so Dr Hart can prepare your virtual implant plan. |
How long does the implant process take? |
Following implant fixture placement the final abutment/crown restoration is fashioned when the implant has integrated in bone which may be from 2–6 months. An implant impression is then taken and special care given to the final crown’s profile in order to achieve ideal gum health as well as pleasing crown aesthetics.
In most cases it is important that the implant have an adequate time to firm up with no load applied. During this period of implant integration a temporary bridge or denture is fashioned.
In multiple implant techniques to replace full dentures such as the “All-On-4” procedure a temporary bridge can often be fashioned immediately.
If grafting procedures are necessary to restore adequate bone or gum then the implant process may take a significantly longer time to complete, depending on the complexity of the grafting required. |
Can I have an implant placed straight after my tooth extraction? |
This is called an immediate implant placement and is possible in an ideal situation where your bone is fully intact, no infection is present and the rest of your mouth is healthy. Immediate crown attachment and loading is often delayed for proper implant integration. |
What if I do not have good bone? |
Your Cone Beam CT scan will show your bone. The addition of artificial or your own bone may be required for an ideal result. This may mean a longer period for healing and addition of the implant crown.
If complex grafting is required implant success rates are lower so alternative options may be a tooth-supported bridge or mini-implants where less bone is necessary. |
What are Mini Implants? |
These are smaller diameter, often one-piece implants. They may be an alternative in some cases where bone is reduced, especially for stability under loose full dentures. They are a lower-cost implant alternative however they are less flexible than traditional implants. Dr Hart can offer these as an alternative in suitable cases.
For the answers to more questions about dental health and dentistry, please visit the Australian Dental Association’s website |